Saturday, December 10, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree!

It's December 10th and I still don't have my tree. Everything else is decorated. Just waiting on a time when the whole family can get together and take the time to go pick out our tree. This seems to get harder every year. I have been looking at craft and diy design websites all day getting lots of great ideas. I just never seem to have time to do all that I would like. It appears that I need to slow down and slow everybody else around here down as well. It sounds like such a great idea, but when I start figuring what we can cut out... it just doesn't look like there is anything anybody is willing to cut from the list. This is hard. When I look at it, none of us do that much individually, but when you add it all together it is overwhelming! At least driver's ed will be over soon for Collin, but his soccer is just starting back up. We have a few months of cheerleading competitions coming up for Karsan. At least Cassie isn't too busy right now except for traveling all over the county with the rest of us!

The plan is to go get my Christmas tree tomorrow somewhere in between church, soccer practice and Christmas play practice. Maybe I will get it decorated by Dec. 23! Oh well. Until next time... relax and take a break!


"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Luke 2:13-14