Monday, March 7, 2011

Taking Time for God and Putting Things in Perspective!

It's been a while since I've posted. I really miss writing. It's such a shame when we let our lives get too busy to do the things we love. It's even worse when we don't take time for God. When I don't have my daily devotion, my day just doesn't go smoothly. Generally, I'm in a rush, so I'm short tempered and it is just down hill from there. I've never been a "morning person", so getting up early is a challenge for me. I have to make it a priority! It is amazing how much better my day is if I do get started early and have my devotion before anyone else gets up. My kids and my husband reap the benefits of it!

I suffer that syndrome of wanting to do it all. I work full time, have 3 kids who play sports, I enjoy making crafts and want to help everyone with everything. I just can't do it all. At least not and give the right amount of attention to it all. Sometime, I also have to find time for my husband, keep the house in some kind of order, and they all enjoy eating occasionally too. It's easy to feel overwhelmed! That is when I just stop, sit down with my Bible and a journal, read, write and listen! Whew! What relief! It is amazing what 10-15 minutes of quiet time with God can do for us. I can get things back in perspective and focus on my priorities. My goal this year is to simplify my life. That means getting rid of "stuff"... extra junk around the house that clutters up my life and extra things we do that clutters our lives. Go with me on this journey as I attempt to clean out my life! I'm sure there will be ups and downs along the way and plenty of obstacles in between. Let me know if you are in this same boat and we'll do it together! There is motivation in sharing the journey with someone else.

Have a blessed day! I'll see you on our journey!


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